Thursday, July 3, 2008

Clinical Trial - Stanford

On Monday 6/30 Carol and I went to see Dr. Ganjoo at Stanford. After an exam and discussion I signed the paperwork to enroll in her clinical trial. This trial uses the standard chemo therapy (CHOP) in conjunction with a test drug (Avastin). The hope is that this combination will work better than either by themselves. Avastin works to block the growth of blood vessels to tumors thereby cutting them off from their supply of oxygen and helping to kill them. I will be receiving the first treatment on 7/7/08.

My strength has been returning more each day and for the past week I have felt almost normal. Have been walking every day and went to the gym the past 2 days. The tumor under my left arm has continued to shrink and is probably smaller now than it was before this whole thing exploded June 7th. So the good news is that the chemo has worked.

The hope now is for a complete remission. After the 3rd round of chemo there will be an evaluation of my status to see how good the response has been. A new Pet/CT will be taken to compare with the one taken on June 14th. The hope is that it will not show anything. If it does not show any activity that will be considered a complete response. It is not the same as a cure. There really is no known cure. If you go for 5 years without any detectable activity (tumors) that is about as close to a cure as there is in the cancer world.

Wish me luck.


Adriene said...

Uncle Richard,

Thank you for the update. It means so much to have you in close communication. I know you are going to fight this thing. Vlad and I are thinking of you in NYC and sending strong postiive thoughts your way. Hopefully we'll talk soon.

Love you, adriene

Unknown said...

Thanks for the update, Uncle Richard. This blog is a great idea... it was good to know exactly what has happened and hear you talk about it all. I'm thinking about you everyday and only have positive thoughts. I know you will get through this. Miss you and love you.

Anonymous said...

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Carol Lehnert said...
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Andrew said...

Hi Richard,

It has been a long time since we've last spoken. Sorry to hear of your upcoming challenges but thanks for sharing your information. It is important that you know that you do have lots of friends (and family) that will be praying for your healthy return. I hope that we get together soon.

Andrew Huie

Teresa said...

Hi There!
It's Monday! A new day full of hope and promise for a successful trip to Stanford. I'm sending positive thoughts to you and Carol AND I'm bringing the funny(I hope.)

A patient has a sore throat and goes to a doctor to get treatment for it.

Doctor: Your tonsils gotta come out.

Patient: I wanna second opinion.

Doctor: Okay, you're ugly, too.

Love you both; you are the best!

Dean Walters said...

Hey Richard

Sounds like you are getting your medical PHD from Stanford. GO CARDINAL! I'm glad to hear you have your determination and strength to exercise and get out of the house. Your studies and knowledge of your situation can at least prepare you somewhat for the situation. I'd guess all went good at your test yesterday. I'll chat with ya soon. Do the best you can !!!!!!!

Dean Walters