Tuesday, July 8, 2008

Hair Be Gone - Part Deux

A whirlwind and an emotional roller coaster.

Due to go to Stanford leaving at 8:30AM Monday. On Sunday had tests at Kaiser lab (results needed within 24 hours of treatment) in preparation for Monday. Of course the required tests were only sent on Thursday from Stanford to Kaiser, yeah! What are the chances this will come off well? You guessed it, slim to none. So, more tests Monday morning and then the late race to Stanford. Results were slow to come in so additional tests were required at Stanford. You could say it is the kinks of coordination, but that is because I am the optimist. It will work out, and of course it did. Results all OK.

On to chemo, Stanford style. Nice reclining lounge, TV and drugs, lots of drugs. My words to the nurse, "lets kill some cancer". Once we got started it took about 3 hours, but there are a bunch of preliminaries so we didn't walk out till 7:30PM. The nurses and staff were all great, very helpful.

I was feeling fine so off we went to dinner. First big mistake. I knew this too. Never eat some of your favorite foods around chemo time. And eat light. Who was listening to this advice? Not me. Well I paid for it when we got home and I got very familiar with the porcelain goddess, all night long. As you can tell I am feeling somewhat better now, almost 24 hours later. Lesson learned.

Unfortunately, my wife and caregiver didn't just have one patient on her hands, but two. Our 19 year old cat, Sienna has been battling to stay with us for the past couple of months. The vet unfortunately ran out of rabbits to pull out of her hat this time. So Sienna came home this morning for the last time. We had the vet come by and put him to sleep about noon today, very peaceful. Sienna has been a wonderful son and we will both miss him a lot. Carol was especially close with him, as he had the habit of following her around like a duck, wanting to be wherever she was. That couldn't be because he was spoiled, I am sure. The truth is I was jealous of him.

Finally, I think is is time to see the barber. It took 3 weeks but there is no denying it, look out Kojak here I come.


Unknown said...

Hi Rich,
Thanks for the email and the blog. It is a good way to keep in touch and to keep everyone updated. I have been out of the country for the past 10 days (Mexico) and I'm just catching up on my emails. Let's keep in touch via cell phone while I'll be in Ventura starting Thursday. Keep up the good work at Stanford and at the barber! Oh Well! Sorry about your good friend the cat. Sorry for Carol too.

In Which Reality Am I said...

Hello Richard,

The blog is a great idea and a very informative way for all of your friends and family that are anxiously following your progress to stay in touch and cheer you on.
Sorry to hear about Sienna the travel cat. I remember spending some car time with him as we drove to Tahoe in March. Kojak should be worried cause your the man.

Anonymous said...

Dear Rich,
Really appreciated your email and blog (great way to keep us up to date) as we're all with you in thought and with a fighting spirit! Glad to hear that you're feeling better today after last night and wish you all the best with your treatment at Stanford (I'm sure you're in good hands there) along with Carol by your side. So sorry to learn about Sienna ... I know how much he was loved. Paul is back in China, and I'm in Tahoe and left a phone message for you as soon as I read your email and blog. Please let us know if there's anything we can do for you or with your Tahoe house, and we'll definitely keep in touch. Love, Barbara (and Paul) P.S. Bald is in!

Luce Merritt said...

Dear Rich and Carol,
Very glad to hear that all the tests turned out good! Congrats! Rich you will beat this!
I was very sorry to hear about the loss of Sienna. Carol had send me a picture of him after we came back from our trip from China! It is so hard to loose a pet. I have to say that I always feel a little jalous when I hear people talking about their 15, 16, 19 years old cat. I have had cat all my life but never one that lasted that long.Lucky you and lucky cat. When I loose a cat the only thing that makes me feel better is the thought of how good his life was with us and how happy we made him.
In the meantime,you two stay happy and keep positive thoughts. We are thinking of you and sending you our best thoughts. Take care!
Luce Merritt P.S. Would you sent an invite to your blog to Ned at nedmerritt@hotmail.com Thanks!